My mother-in-law came to visit us from San Diego, California May 13-21. I appreciate her husband sharing her with us for that time. It is a sacricfice on her part to leave and come and help out on our hillside. I must say that this visit was one of my very favorite. It may have not been the most entertaining trip for her but hopefully it was a relaxing vacation. It was nice to sit around and chit-chat and not worry about the daily grind. It was fun to have her take part in our children's school events and just have her company. Now that she is back across the country we are getting acquainted with our new Summer schedule.
I had a wonderful visit. Braxton's Kindergarden Graduation and acting part as Captain Hook was a delight. We went on lots of fun events and kept very busy. My darling Grandchildren, my little ones were well worth the energy spent. The talks with Mark and Jennifer were extra special. It was nice to help out. Love Mom/Nana