Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Autumn hike ...August 2009

Today we went on a hike in search of tiny treasures that bring us joy and opportunites to learn.  We found lots of acorns, flowers, ant beds, etc...

Acorn boat

On our treasure hunt/ hike we found this old hickory nut shell that reminded us of a boat and a baby acorn and tiny yellow wild flower and 'waalaa' that was the history behind this pic.  He loved it sooo much. 

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

The grass that surrounded him reminded him of a nest.  He wanted to keep the pretend "babies' warm so I did not think we were going to get very far in this photo shoot.

Age 4 and a young man of many faces.

Boston Terrier

Here is one of our Purebred, Registered Boston Terrier puppies.  We have a lot of animals so we try to keep in mind that anything is for sale.

Frills and rooster caws vs naptime

After two boys the 'frills' of girls is fun as well. The dress is compliments of my dear friend Mrs. Smith.
When I took this picture she was walking around in the yard listening and listening to the roosters crow but nap time over came her soon after.


Now to eating...

After all the playing I've done today I'm now sitting patiently in my highchair waiting for my dinner.  In the meantime I'm doing my best to get my Great-grandmother's attention.

It was my mommies dress...

By the time I savored the garden and mowed the lawn, my mommies dress was in shreds and was officially retired after almost 35 years.

Some chairs are for sitting others are for kneeling.

I'm off to mow the lawn.

Always remember to stop and smell the flowers.

A day at Mana's in the garden

She uses this sweet, pursed lip 'ohhhh' face a lot.

My lovely and wonderful mother.

Just dance...

Talk about rhythm and dancing to his own beat....

and dance...

and dance !!!

Show me your muscles !!!

Studio Portrait (4 years) August 2009

Show me your muscle !!!

Studio Portrait (6 years) August 2009

Studio Portrait (6 years)

Studio Portrait (6 years)

Natural light portrait (15 months)

Natural light portrait (14 months)

Monday, September 28, 2009

Window light portrait July 22, 2009

Window light portrait July 22, 2009

Window light portrait July 22, 2009

Window light portrait July 22, 2009

Here are my first attempts at silhouette pics from July 20, 2009.

The joys of country boys.

Silhouette Pics

Braxton and Asher out walking the chickens.

My first blog....

This is my first attempt in a technilogical world.  It is luring and exciting and time consuming.  So, here is your invitation to spend a little moment of time with a few of our experiences.