Saturday, February 13, 2010

A just right day of snow

Today was just perfect.  It was not so cold outside that you could not bear it but it was just enough to see the beauty of it without it lasting too long and causing problems.  Most importantly is that it seems to bring out a smile in everyone.

Fun in the snow

Braxton had a blast rolling the snow balls to build the snowman.
Mark entertained us all as he built his snowman.

We went over to a friend's house to let his Alaskan Husky pull the children on the sled.  Let's just say that it is a taught task instead of an innate task.  Nonetheless, the kids played with some other children in the neighborhood and had fun.

Friday, February 12, 2010

A wintery, snowy day in Alabama

Here are a few scenic landscape pictures of the snow accumulating around our house and on the dirt road.

Asher was all bundled up and ready to throw some snow balls.

The boys were SO excited about watching the snow accumulate.  I went out and  found them hanging over the banister and plotting out the day in the snow.

Tennyson loves looking out the window and watching the birds feed.  Unfortunately, we are currently out of bird seed and she was peering out the window shaking her head no and saying "no birds".

Tennyson enjoyed this All-American unhealthy supper of leftover pizza and homemade yellow cupcakes with chocolate icing.