Sunday, July 4, 2010

Mama's lil' helpers

They may be boys but everyone needs to know how to sew on a button and how to cook.  As a mother, I have noticed that the children have so much more fun with things already around the house.  They would much rather spend time with me cooking, cleaning, doing chores over sitting in front of a TV.  Now, I must say that this does take a certain amount of patience on the mother's part.  Instead of just doing the job and getting it done quickly it may take twice as long.  It is important to explain how to do the task at hand and to check thier work and give them praise for the effort.  However, practice makes perfect and over time your young ones can become your little helpers.  Here are some images of the boys sewing button's on some old rag's.  Braxton did tell me as we were begining the lesson that he was excited but he would probably let his wife do the job.

Braxton continued on to help me zest  lime for our supper fish entree.

Saturday, July 3, 2010

An old fashioned wash tub

I have been trying to teach the children that people did not always have the luxury of having indoor tubs/showers nor washing machines.  I decided to let them get out the old wash tub and have a bath outside.  We heated some warm water to prepare it and then they just had way too much fun.  While they were having fun I was having fun with a new macro lens I have been saving for. 

Yall come back here ya hear!

Mark Colson & Cody Dobbins Wedding

It was a pleasure to attend my cousin's wedding on June 12, 2010.  Mark married his longtime girlfriend...they caught each other's eye in sixth grade!  The wedding took place at the Historic Rucker Place in downtown Birmingham, Alabama.  Don Campbell, minister of Hunter Hills, did a wonderful job officiating. It was a beautiful and fun event and we wish them the best as they begin thier lives together.

Parents of the groom-Mike and Marilyn Colson (my awesome aunt & uncle)

Cody's mother walked her down the isle

A long awaited kiss

One special moment on the dance floor was my grandmother (88 years of age) taking the floor with Cody's uncle, and later others.  My dear grandmother suffers from Alzehimers disease and doesn't know how to brush her teeth but she certainly remembered how to get down on the dance floor.  It was certainly a highlight for many of us!

A rare image of  Mark and myself
They drove off in this 1963 Shelby Mustang Coumtosh Cody's uncle restored for them!

Over the hill and through the woods...

Over the hill and through the woods to our grandparents house we go.  When I was a child there was nothing better than spending time with my grandparents.  Now, with a mention that Nana is visiting from San Diego or a day with Granddaddy & Mana, I see the their eyes light up with excitement and they beam from ear to ear. Here are a few images from this Summer.
Taking a Bobcat ride through the trails Mana has made or riding over to Uncle Mike's tire business on it is so much fun!
The children wait 'somewhat' patiently for Granddaddy to come home from work to swim.

Granddaddy spoiling them with some whipped cream!!!

After a long day of fun playing with toys my mother has saved for 40 years for her grandchildren, swimming, snacking on the goodies she makes for them, the children got caught relaxing with granddaddy in his green rocking recliner.  I don't know who is enjoying it more. Mana is kin to the Energizer bunny...she never stops.

Tennyson's 2nd Birthday

Tennyson turned two on June 3rd.  This day is extra special because she shares this  birth date with her 2nd cousin Mark Colson and her Great-Grandmother Christine Latham.  This age is also important and fun beacuse they are like sponges.  They listen and try to repeat everything you say and do.
If I were to describe Tennyson she is full of life, always smiling and tough a nails.  She is very active and is most definitely a country girl. In our household she is the second best mouse'd understand if you visited our reptile room. Her hair is very white blonde, curly and full of body.  She loves to play dress-up with her younger brother and likes to try on all of our shoes.   She is tender hearted like her big brother, Braxton but is quick to throw in an unexpected tease (like her Daddy).  God truly blessed us with her and we are extremely thankful to have her in our lives.
Granddaddy, Mana and cousin Sutton came over for a quick birthday celebration before we left for New Orleans for a reptile show the next morning.
Granddaddy and Mana gave her a new tricycle which was a big hit.
Aunt Vonnette and Uncle Ed sent her a book "Herman's Journey" and tiny hair bows.
She loved her cupcakes of chocolate cake and strawberry creemcheese icing.
Aunt Marilyn and Uncle Mike gave her two beautiful dresses from a local shop 'Peaches N Cream'.  I look forward to taking  her picture in them!
Braxton and Asher gave Tennyson a little 'TY' hedgehog that she really likes. 
Nana gave her dress-up clothes that is also a big hit.
Aunt Linda, Deb & Madison gave her a gift card which will be fun to pick out something.

Thank you everyone for sharing in this special day with us!